Motor Insurance        

Types of cover to consider when choosing a motor insurance

Comprehensive Car Insurance:
Comprehensive is the most extensive form of car insurance and includes cover for your own vehicle as well as other people’s property. It also tends to cost more than other types of cover. Comprehensive car insurance may be suitable if:

  • you want protection for a broad range of risks, including damage to your vehicle from a car accident as well as some of the indirect costs associated with being without a car while it’s being repaired.
  • you would find it difficult to cover the the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle by yourself.
  • your car is under finance, as some lenders will require you to have it adequately insured.
Third party car insurance:
Third party car insurance provides cover for damage caused to another person’s property – for example, if you caused a crash and damaged someone else’s car. You may also have the option of taking out a third party car insurance policy that includes fire and theft cover for your own vehicle. Third party car insurance may be suitable if:
  • the repair or replacement value of your own car is relatively low and affordable within your budget.
  • you could do without your own car while it is off the road following an accident.
  • you want a cheaper policy and are happy to sacrifice some of the extra cover you would get with comprehensive cover.

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